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How I digitized my family’s old photos. Part 1 – Introduction and Goals

Our family's bookcase of old photos
Our family’s bookcase of old photos

The project introduction

For the past few months I’ve been experimenting with digitizing my parents old photo albums. When I initially started this project, I was looking for a quick and easy way to get them all digitized. After discovering how costly this would be to outsource, I decided to tackle the project myself. I wasn’t really interested in purchasing or acquiring expensive software and hardware, so I decided to use the equipment I already had.

The beauty of this project is there is no time-frame to complete it. I can leisurely scan the photos whenever I have spare time. I’m just taking it one photo at a time, one page at a time, one album at a time. “How I digitized my family’s old photos,” is a series of several articles which outlines my experiences with this project. Future articles will dig into how I’m scanning each photo. The equipment I will be using and how it works. My hope is that by sharing my experiences, I can cut down on your learning curve, if you ever find yourself undertaking a similar project. This article series also documents the steps and process for future reference. A sort of notebook for myself to look at years from now so I can remember how I did this. Yes, I’m a forgetful person.

Why am I doing this? What are your goals?

For those of you who know my family, especially my father, he loves taking pictures and video. Growing up my mother was always good about developing the photos and creating these wonderful albums of our family. One nice thing about visiting my parents during the holiday’s is pulling out an album or two and browsing through all the old photographs. This is always fun for me and brings back many happy memories. With the recent advancement in technology, enjoying these older photographs on large screen TV’s and digital picture frames has increased the ways in which we can enjoy all these photographs. I’ve listed four reasons for under-taking this project.

I hope you enjoy the series and by all means if you have any tips or suggestions or would like to share your experience or knowledge digitizing your old family albums please leave a comment below. Stay tuned for Part 2 in this series where I’ll talk about the physical albums and photo’s I’ll be working with.

Thank you,


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