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Dave’s Garden Journal 2013 Part 1 – Wineberries

Wineberry Garden May 2013
Wineberry Garden May 2013

The beginning

So this is my first journal for the wineberry garden. I’ve had the plants for two years now. The first year I planted them, they were so new they didn’t produce any fruit. The second year I really didn’t pay much attention and just really wanted them to get established in this corner of the yard. Now that the plants are established, it’s time to start managing them more closely.

I initially got the plants from a friend at work. Apparently, they were taking over her yard and was willing to give away as many as she could. I didn’t know anything about them at the time but said yes to six plants. I really don’t know why I said six, but I figured it might be a good number to start with. Two years later all six plants are doing fine and have established well in this corner of the yard.

When my friend first asked me if I wanted some raspberry bushes, I said sure. Then after talking to her more she mentioned they are actually a smaller variety of raspberry called a wineberry. I didn’t know anything about these at the time but figured I had the space and I like berry’s so why not! I’ll give them a try.

So now that I have had a chance to research these a bit more I find it rather interesting the different varieties of berry’s out there. I’m also delighted my friend was willing to share them.

Since I forgot to take before and after pictures of the work I’ve been doing up until this point, I figured I’d just start this journal right where it is today, Wednesday May 29, 2013.

Training the plants

I’ve managed to get the bushes staked out. My goal is to keep them from spreading all over the place and to make it easier to harvest later in the year. I found the cedar stakes at my local home improvement center. They come in a package of six, I ended up going back and getting several more packages to complete this project. The garden stakes were $6.44 and are 6 ft long. It turned out rather well, considering I was in a hurry and just wanted to get the job done.

I have higher hopes for them this year which is one reason I’m taking the time to manage them a little better. I’ve got them staked out so let’s see what happens.


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