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Coin Roll Hunting Pennies Update / Review #2

Coin Roll Hunting Review
Coin Roll Hunting Review

I started coin roll hunting pennies in 2017. Since this time I’ve acquired more boxes of pennies. I’ve also written articles to track what I’ve found in each box. The latest was box 10

The first article in the series explains some of the reasons for coin roll hunting.

Now that we have been at it for a few years, I thought I’d offer some more plans form here on out.

If you recall one reason for coin roll hunting is to build up a small copper bullion portfolio. Since one penny is worth slightly double in bullion value, I thought this would be an easy way to build a simple copper portfolio. Boy, was I wrong, It’s a lot of work.

In addition, the coins we have been getting are really dirty and I find myself wanting to rise and dry them. All this takes time.

After searching 10 boxes, I have a better idea how this project will play out.

For Christmas gifts I like to give my nephews some form of money. I think one year I gave one nephew a Series EE savings bond, One year I gave them a silver coins etc.

For Christmas one year, maybe this year, or next, depending on if I can get enough coins. I’d like to give them each a brick of copper pennies. Hopefully, they won’t read this article, but even if they do, it’s July so maybe they will forget by December.

For this reason I have stopped counting the copper count from each box. At this point, what I’m doing is opening all the boxes and setting aside the copper.

Once it looks like I have enough copper, I’ll roll the coins and put them back in the box, so that I have one brick of pennies for each kid and my son. That means I need 5 boxes before the holiday.

Ok enough talking for now, time to get back to coin rolling. Cheers!

WOW! update 7/8/2021

I just got back from the bank and picked up another box of pennies. Would you believe the entire box is full of new 2021 coins. Not at all what I was expecting. Each roll I took a peak at had shinny new 2021 pennies on the ends.

Well, that sucks, Now I have to take this box back and explain its not what I was expecting.

I seem to have forgotten about the recent coin shortage. No one seems to have old coins. Weird, but not sure how I’m going to move forward with finding more copper pennies for this project. Maybe the coin circulation it just needs to catch up. I’m not sure, maybe I can get boxes of coins from family members who use a different bank. IDK, but that’s all for now folks.

Have you coin rolled hunted pennies? What did you find in your area? Are the numbers I present in this article similar to what you have found in your area?

Please comment.

What I didn’t realize a the time, was how much fun my son was going to have opening up rolls of coins. I also learned this is a great project during the bone-chilling winters we have in the Chicago-land.

This is definitely a “Winter” project, or a lazy humid summer day, when I don’t feel much like manual work. I’m always trying to find things to do while cooped up inside. Coin roll hunting just happens to be something I can do to keep busy.

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Sincerely yours,


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