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Bigger Pockets Money Podcast 003 – My Thoughts & Review

Link to the Show:  003 – Cutting Your Grocery Bill in Half with Erin Chase from $5 Dinners.

I started listening to the Bigger Pockets Money Podcast towards the beginning of 2020. I listened to this episode on Sunday June 21, 2020. Happy Father’s Day to me.

The focus of creating this article is to track my thoughts and review of each episode. My memory sucks so having a place on this blog to keep my notes was perfect.


I like to listen to the full episode and then write what sticks out for me. There is always a lot of useful information and discussion that occurs during the show, but the following bullet points are what sticks out for me.

Famous 4

Question: What is your favorite finance book:
Answer: Profit First, Flipping the Accounting Model Backwards, looked this up but never fount it.

Question: What is the biggest mistake money/finance?
Answer: Not saving enough for retirement in her 20’s. Should have saved more at the early age.

Question: What is your best piece of advise just starting out?
Answer: Measure and track whatever it is you want to improve.

Question: What is your favorite joke to tell at parties?
Answer: Amazon Alexa ask me for a fart.


I initially watched the video. Erin is well spoken and knows her grocery budget and shopping really well. Great resource for learning how to grocery budget. I was aware of a few of the apps, but not all the ones that were mentioned. Definitely worth the listen. Funny Amazon Alexa fart trick.

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